What’s your Leadership IQ (Integration Quotient)?

Your success as a leader is not simply about what you do. It’s about who you are. 

Many leadership consultants focus on the tactics and techniques of leadership — how to delegate, speak, plan, inspire, etc. While these are important, we take a more holistic, human-centered approach.

We help you identify, understand, and integrate the six areas of your life that profoundly impact your success as a leader and your wholeness as a person:

  1. Your personal compass

  2. Your internal clock

  3. Your physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions

  4. Your relational connections

  5. Your unique triggers

  6. Your potential derailers

When any of these is out of alignment, your leadership gets bumpy — or goes off track completely. At Integrated Leaders, we help you align the core parts of who you are, so nothing holds you back. Learn more.

What’s Your Leadership IQ?